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Desire Fitness

Updated: Dec 15, 2023

Start the exciting 7 day restart that covers it all - fitness, nutrition, and mental health! Challenge yourself to complete 7 days of wellness goals that will completely overhaul your lifestyle!

The restart is a fun, interactive online program. Over the week you are assigned daily wellness goals to achieve that will guide you on improving your fitness, nutrition, and mental health.

The 7 Day Wellness Restart Guide will help build sustainable habits that transform into a long term healthy lifestyle. Gain support, motivation, and accountability throughout the restart from your own personal trainer!

FITNESS GOALS Each day there will be a fitness component to complete, some days we will focus on mobility and other days bodyweight strength workouts. All fitness levels are welcome and there is no equipment needed to complete the workout goals.

Benefits from physical activity are: Improved cardiovascular health, improved quality of life, increased strength, and the release of endorphins to boost your mood and alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Incorporating regular physical activity promotes both physical and mental well-being, even small changes in your activity level can have a positive impact on your health.

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NUTRITION GOALS Learn about mindful eating, healthy meal planning, & how to build a positive food relationship. The challenge teaches participants how to make more mindful choices about what they eat, which will lead to a healthier diet.

Proper nutrition can improve your energy, cognitive function, increase longevity, improve weight management, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

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MENTAL HEALTH GOALS Throughout the week we will cover stress management, how to get quality sleep, & the steps needed to achieve your long term goals.

The challenge will help you set and achieve both short term and long term goals, tracking your progress along the way.

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The program also includes a WELLNESS GUIDE to reference throughout the week. Create new healthy lifestyle habits and give yourself the opportunity to learn something new about yourself along the way. Each day you are assigned a new wellness goal to accomplish. The goals assigned are completed on your own time and can be done from anywhere. The program was developed by Melissa Stevenson, a personal trainer and nutrition coach with close to a decade of experience coaching clients to achieve their wellness goals. Once the challenge is completed you have the opportunity to continue with your own custom wellness program that is designed specifically for you.


Be sure to invite any friends or family that can also benefit from a wellness restart!

*If you have any health concerns that may limit your ability to complete physical exercise, please contact us prior to registering.

Over the past decade, Desire Fitness has coached hundreds of women and men to reach their wellness goals. Our online personal training programs are custom made for each individual client's needs and health history. Whether your goal is weight loss, muscle gain, running, cycling, or you need an online personal trainer to hold you accountable, you can have a program designed just for you.

We are based out of Canmore, Alberta. Our fitness community first started in Edmonton, AB and has expanded online to welcome clients from all over Canada. Desire Fitness prides itself on providing the best online workout and nutrition coaching subscriptions available. Our online workout and wellness programs are tailored to each client and can be made for at home workouts or for those who go to a gym. We also offer wellness coaching consulting for businesses wanting to empower their employees through corporate wellness challenges and workshops. The challenges are team building exercises that provide fitness, nutrition, and mental health coaching.

Be a part of our online fitness community and start your custom program today with a free online fitness consultation.

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